I think it comes down to what your 'source' is. My source is the Bible. I follow Jesus. Jesus said he did not come to abolish the law, but to complete it. Jesus said it is not what goes into a mouth that is unclean, it is what comes out. Jesus said all food is good. I believe all humans-adult, child, infant and unborn- should be treated with respect and love. I believe animals should be treated as animals, not humans. That means not abused, but also not revered. I love all of nature. And, I thank God for providing plants, animals, and water for our nourishment.If anything I ever do appears out of sync with what I believe, and with what Jesus would have me do, I would ask you remember that I am a sinner, living in a sinful world and I mess up. I am thankful I have a Savior I can run to when I mess up, Who always welcomes me back.I am NOT perfect and never will be in this earthly life. But I follow the One who is perfect. And that is a good place to be.