Tuesday, April 9, 2019

I'm sure each of us has at least one person in our lives who has no filters. They say what's on their mind, no matter what it is. At times this can be comical, others frustrating, and sometimes downright disturbing.

I saw a meme recently about three filters that anything I say should go through. Today I want to share my insight on this subject.Whenever I want to speak something, reply to something, and even if I am reacting to something I need to remember to put it through three filters:

1.) Is it true?  This seems like a 'no-brainer' or at least it should be. But sometimes, in the middle of truth there can be an exaggeration, stretch, or even a little untruth. My words, whether written, spoken, or posted somewhere should always pass through the TRUTH filter first.

Once they pass through that filter, then they must be stopped by the second one.

2.)  Is it necessary?  This filter is more fine than the first one. There are things that make it through the truth filter, and, while they are completely true, saying, writing, or reacting to them is not necessary. This filter is a tough one at times. I may try to convince me it is necessary when it's not. I must pray and seek wisdom. Even if I want to say it, if I determine it's not necessary, I mustn't say it. And, if I cannot determine the necessity of the comment, that means it is not necessary.

Once my words pass through this filter and I'm sure they are necessary, there is one more, very fine, very difficult filter to get through.

3.)  Is it kind?  What I want to say or share may be total truth and necessary, but this final filter is imperative. And, when I don't slow down long enough to really use this filter my words may appear without compassion, love, or grace. That means they are without healing.

When I write or speak from my deep emotions, passion, or convictions I can skip right past the kindness filter. There is a right way and a not-so-right way to say, write, post, or do things. The Is it kind? filter is the most fine and, when used properly, allows only the correct things through. Something can be both true and necessary, but if it is not kind, I have no business saying it in any form or fashion.

Sadly, this is one of  my biggest battles. I must slow down long enough for my words to pass fully through or be stopped by the kind filter. I know I fail at using this third filter often. So, I am adding something to my third filter. In Exodus 4:12 God says, "Now, therefore, go, and I will be your mouth and teach you what you shall say."

When all is said and done, God is my absolute guide and if I work harder at using my Is it kind  filter with God's help I will be a better person and my life will be a better witness.