Saturday, March 30, 2019

When Emotions Cause the Block

Last week, I posted a blog on the American Christian Fiction Writer's(ACFW) blog. I wanted to share it on here this week

God bless you all!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

I have four sons. And because I say it, most of you probably believe it. But none of you were there when I had those C-sections. The scar on my abdomen is physical proof something happened, but only my husband, my doctor and the nurses who were present each time can truly verify that, yes, those babies were delivered from my uterus.
There are four amazing young men alive, and there are birth certificates that say when they were born and that Don and I are their parents. But those birth certificates were filled out by a nurse and submitted by a nurse and someone somewhere in the courthouse signed whatever had to be signed to approve those birth certificates. A human wrote and approved those birth certificates. And yet, from the time we received them every agency that has ever required them for SS#, work permits, driver's licenses, passports, etc, etc has accepted that the information on those birth certificates is valid and true.
I imagine anyone who reads this post most likely believes it and does not question the truth of my words just because they were not present when it happened or because a fallible human created the calendar system, the years and dates and told me those days were the dates they were born.
Was I there when Jesus lived, died, was buried, and rose again? No. But thousands of people were. Hundreds of people saw him alive after He was dead. When the gospels were written many eye witnesses were still alive. Human nature has never changed. If the gospels had been lies you can bet the authors of them would have been called on it and the scrolls would never have survived.
I have four sons. And, you can choose to believe or deny that those birth certificates written and approved by fallible humans are true or not. Your choice does not change the truth. In the same way I can choose to believe the accounts of Jesus' life or not, we all can, we all will. But my choice to believe does not affect the truth of His life, His love, His sacrifice, His grace anymore than another person's choice to not believe does not.
I choose to believe Jesus Christ is my Savior. My choice. And I will stand for the truth of Jesus all of my life and even when my life ends and I actually stand before Him for real.