Friday, December 28, 2018

It's About Trust

Proverbs 3:5-6 is a common memory verse.
"Trust in the Lord with your whole heart, and lean not on your own understanding but in all ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight."

I learned this with a cutesy little song at Vacation Bible School when I was a child. But, as an adult this verse has challenged me again and again. My choice to trust or to not trust I what determines my destiny, not chance. And, while asking Jesus to be my Savior was a once and done thing, trusting Him and committing all my life and my will to Him is a constant, ongoing, moment-by-moment thing.

It's trusting Him even when it doesn't make sense. Because when I lean on my own understanding of things I see more ugly, anger, hate, injustice, and hurt than anything else. My understanding is partial, shallow, and selfish. I don't begin to understand the things our family has recently faced—much of which is heartbreaking and surely seems futile—and I  find myself, like Solomon, seeing life as a "chasing after the wind."

But I have chosen to commit my life and my will to Him, the One who does understand . . . ALL of it . . . He understands now and forever, behind and present and beyond the present. He's the One I choose to trust. I look forward to the day I understand. But, for now, I trust and follow the path that He makes straight for me—even when it feels quite crooked

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